Partners of Apartube


Robo-rail is the responsible company for mechanical, automation and software solutions. This company is also responsible from R&D (research and development) of the system.

Company’s main task is development of autonomous rail transport vehicles. Automation, software, hardware, sensors, IT equipments also at Robo-Rail’s responsibility.


Joopbee is the responsible company for operation of site Market which locates preferably at autopark floor.

Joopbee also responsible from operating the apartube system. Whenever needs service support, robo-rail will keep in touch with Joopbee.

Serving Companies from Outside the Building

The companies which serves customers from outside the building such as cargo, catering, water supply, market etc…

Apartube’s other main task is to prevent entrance of foreigners inside to building and make inside building transportation without manpower.

Apartube can use a common barcode system with these companies. With support of barcode, courrier puts package inside cabin and cabin automatically moves to related flat. Apartube doesn’t chatge any cost to companies.

Online Doktor

With help of the red button inside Apartube user screen, users are directed to the doctor who works for ONLINE DOCTOR company and instant communication is provided. With apartube system Doctor also can send medicines or medical products immediately via mechanical transport units.

Apartube is the only company in this sector!

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